We are dedicated to adopting the most stringent measures to ensure that our Muesli Butter is safe for kids and whole families living with nut allergies and sensitivities, as well as use in school lunchboxes.
We know how you feel! As parents of a child with multiple food intolerances – including nuts - we have spent the past 9 years striving to meet her need for healthy, safe, and delicious food while addressing the realities of her intolerances.
We know how stressful it can be to make sense of the confusing allergen messages on food labels. At Mila And Ivy, we want to clear up the confusion. That is why we are steadfast on providing transparent and honest communication about our manufacturing processes. We take allergen issues serious and that is why our aim is to arm you with the information you need to safely and confidently make the right decision for yourself and your family.
Whilst we maintain that nothing in life is 100% certain, at Mila And Ivy we take the most extraordinary production processes to ensure that we keep nuts OUT of our jars. How do we maintain this commitment? It’s simple!
- We have allergen handling procedures that are designed and implemented to prevent any cross contamination from receiving to shipping, storage, cleaning and all manufacturing process.
- Our food contact equipment and moving parts machinery is disassemble for intensive cleaning at the start of every production run.
- We have implemented a policy that strictly prohibits nut usage on any of our equipment or machinery. This means that we NEVER run nut products through any of our dedicated equipment or machinery.
- All our food contact equipment is plain flat surfaces made from food grade stainless steel to reduce any risk of cross contamination.
- Nuts are not ingredients of any product manufactured by Mila And Ivy
- We have a dedicated uniform that is worn during manufacturing and is cleaned after each production run, significantly reducing the risk of contamination from clothing.
- We stringently do not allow food that contains peanuts, nuts or peanut/nut derived products in our facility during our production runs.
- Our Muesli Butter is periodically tested for validation of absence from the peanuts/tree nuts to verify that our production measures are working and to review and tighten them if needed.
So then, can you assure that Mila And Ivy’s Nut Safe and School Safe products are nut-free?
Hand-on-heart, we can assure you of this:
We take our Nut-Safe and School-Safe claims extremely seriously. We go to extraordinarily lengths to ensure that our allergen handling procedures and production processes are as safe as possible for people with nut allergies. We regularly review, revise and strengthen our measures to ensure that we implement allergen-safe best practises and we strive to address production challenges that we’ve encountered without delay so as not to jeopardise safety.
However, as we previously stated, nothing in life is 100% certain.
Even though there have been enormous advances in Nut Protein detection methods within the food industry - with some laboratory techniques achieving results as little as 1-2 ppm nut detection (that’s comparable to 1-2 tiny drops of water in a barrel of 56 litres!), no scientific or allergen organisation can confirm if such a small amount of detection would cause a reaction in adults or children with a sever allergy. This means that such products cannot be categorised as ‘Nut Free’.
While we take every single protective measure to ensure our products are safe for sever nut allergy sufferers, we cannot vouch for situations that are beyond our control, despite all our best efforts. For example, we don’t know if the delivery driver entering our premises had been exposed to a bowl of nuts a few days prior and brought in the teeniest dust particles into our kitchen. Or perhaps if they have had a Protein Ball without realising that it contained nuts. As food manufacturers, these are real life situations that we have to operate in every day, no different in your own home.
Nevertheless, we continue to be committed to ensuring that we do everything in our power to continue to learn, improve and adopt measure that are as safe as possible to allow you to feel confident about our production measures and practices.